Video Testimonials from Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome Sufferers
Listen to the story of these Adrenal Fatigue sufferers, how they got started with Dr. Lam's Adrenal Fatigue Coaching Program, and their successes with recovery.

Lisa rebuilds her health as she learns how to read the symptoms her body gives her as she has gone through the journey with adrenal fatigue and MTHFR gene mutations. Now she is able to play 18 holes of golf and tennis on the same day!

Listen to Corey's story as she shares her recovery journey from Adrenal Fatigue with Dr. Lam's Nutritional Coaching Program.

See how Julia stopped self-navigating, got on our Nutritional Health Coaching Program, and completely turned her life around!

Listen to Evelyn's story as she talks about her recovery from Adrenal Fatigue with Dr. Lam's program.

Matt shares his symptoms and how we was able to recover with the experienced nutritional coaching staff and program at

Listen as Nancy talks about her struggle with Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome, and how she was able to recover following Dr. Lam's Nutritional Coaching Program.

Emily shares with us her unique experience in finding relief from Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome symptoms with Dr. Lam's nutritional coaching office.
Read the following reviews from!
This content is provided solely for convenience. Please see for the latest and most up to date full reviews and additional information.
- Dr Lam is a Gem, April 24, 2016
I feel like I am reading the story of my life every time that I read Dr. Lam's book Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome. I have been to so many doctors who haven't the slightest clue what was wrong with me. They treated some of my symptoms and other resulting diseases, but not the root cause of them. Dr. Lam's book is extremely well written and informative. He gives step by step protocols that will help the reader to nurture their adrenals. I have been following many of these protocols, and am starting to see positive results. I hope more people like me, who have Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome, will discover Dr. Lam's book, and find their way to recovery. My heart goes out to each and every one who suffers from AFS!
- leading edge, April 5, 2016
There's nothing else out there like this book.
In 600 pages Dr Lam offers a thorough and detailed explanation of the different stages, especially the stages called 3c & 3D here but similar to the later of the Seven Stages of Adrenal Issues explained in stopthethyroidmadness (STTM) website. Yes, as some reviewers have pointed out, adrenal and thyroid deficiencies are often linked - as touched on in this book and stressed in STTM - but of the many books I've read on adrenal deficiency, Lam's is way ahead of the class.
Adrenal and thyroid deficiencies are both common and fundamental. Unfortunately, mainstream doctors are hormone-illiterate which makes it difficult for most of us to even recognise we are suffering. Low thyroid has been called a "silent epidemic".
STTM is the only place where "priority" deficiencies are identified. Adrenal deficiency must be addressed before thyroid can be supported - and low thyroid is the most common cause of iron anemia, although this is not widely recognised. Iron anemia must be resolved before adrenal supplements can be started. In turn, thyroid can only be supported after any iron anemia or adrenal deficiency is addressed. The priorities must be worked through in this order:
- iron anemia
- adrenal deficiency
- low thyroid
The little-known need to recognize and then address deficiencies in this order is the reason so many very ill people actually get worse when they try taking adrenal supplements and/or thyroid supplements. Probably the only weakness in this book is the repeated warning that those in the later stages of adrenal deficiency often have paradoxical reactions to supplements but Dr Lam does not seem to know this is usually because of undiagnosed iron anemia (test results need to be on the higher side).
There is also advice on recognizing and managing adrenal crashes.Dr Lam provides a "lifestyle toolbox" and a "personal toolbox" as well as a "nutritional toolbox" covering:
- First Line of Defense—Gentle Nutrients (dosages are recommended)
- Second Line of Defense—Glandulars and Herbs
- Tools of Last Resort—Hormones (dosages are sometimes recommended)
Yes, the supplements suggested are "alternative" but by the time someone is reading this book they are most likely in the advanced stages and need to be very gentle in their approach - as this book carefully explains.
Studied carefully, this is an amazing book that, used in conjunction with "Stop the Thyroid Madness", should be able to guide recovery in a way that no other two books I know of can do.
Men tend to have a combination of adrenal and thyroid issues but women also suffer from ovarian issues. "The Hormone Cure" is an introduction to how closely adrenals, thyroid and ovaries interact but the advice in the book is for early stages. These books are more practically useful for later stages of ovarian imbalance:
- estrogen dominance/deficiency: there are three estrogens you need to know about, all are best covered in an excellent early chapter of "Natural Health for Women" by Roger Mason;
- progesterone deficiency: "Dr. John Lee's Hormone Balance Made Simple" and "Dr. Eckhart's How to Use Progesterone Cream Practical Guide for Avoiding Side Effects & Chemical Estrogens".
Later note: now excited by "Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal" by Anthony William, all about regular misdiagnosis, mystery illnesses, the myth of "autoimmune" diseases, how damage from a virus is often attributed to menopause problems, and simple, clear instructions for healing.
- A Scientific Basis for Adrenal Fatigue, March 7, 2016
This is the best book on the subject. THE ABSOLUTE BEST!! The book explains why traditional treatments from the medical profession and even naturopaths do not work when someone is in Stage 3 adrenal fatigue. Talking from experience, this book accurately describes the reasons for all the odd symptoms encountered. Dr. Lam goes in scientific terms describes how the autonomic nervous system plays such a huge role in adrenal fatigue. This convinced me to work with Dr. Lam and his wife Dorine. They are extremely knowledgeable and really demystify adrenal fatigue. While there is still much research needed for adrenal fatigue this book answers enough questions to properly work your way toward recovery.
- The best book on adrenal fatigue, January 10, 2016
This is one of the best books on adrenal fatigue that I've come across. Dr Lam has a thorough understanding of this issue. Adrenal fatigue is a complex and individual issue. It's not a "one size fits all" or "silver bullet" cure. That's where most books on the subject and adrenal formula supplements fail. Dr. Lam addresses most/all of those complexities. I highly recommend it, if you want to understand adrenal fatigue better and if you want to find, or get pointed in the right direction for, how to heal.
- Have read other books on adrenals but this is the best. Adrenal Fatigue by James Wilson was very good, January 8, 2016
This book is so thorough. Have read other books on adrenals but this is the best. Adrenal Fatigue by James Wilson was very good, but there is much more info about the adrenals and HPA axis, etc. in this book. Big book!
- Best book award!! November 9, 2015
This is the BEST book on Adrenal Fatigue that I have ever found. Dr. Lam is the most knowledgeable person on this subject. This book makes all other books on this modern day epidemic look outdated and incomplete. I have had these problems for over 25 years and now I feel like there is hope for recovery. I HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone struggling to get help. His coaching service is awesome as well!!
- Having this book was like being able to sit down with a doctor who... September 22, 2015
I generally do not write reviews, however, due to the insidious nature of this syndrome and my life long struggle with it I feel it is extremely important to share my thoughts regarding this book.
Over the course of 61 years I pieced together little parts of my health problems on my own. I initially went to doctors, naturopaths, chiropractors, native healers, etc., who gave me treatments and products that helped momentarily and then backfired. I never understood the full picture and the need to dedicate myself to a new way of life for the rest of my life until I read articles on Dr. Lam's website and then purchased this book. Having this book was like being able to sit down with a doctor who understood me perfectly, every symptom, every fear, every struggle. This book gives me real hope and solid, practical homework to do that I know is helping me. It has helped me to see very clearly and accept my physical limitations in order to heal over the long haul. I used to think the harder and longer I worked physically, the more I could sweat, the healthier I would be. Not so for those of us who have this problem. I take care not to over do now, I work when it is cooler, shadier and for short stints. I've learned so much.
You do have to stick with it in some of the more technical chapters but it is important to read the whole thing so that you will understand exactly what your body is trying to do during our many crashes and symptoms. This knowledge makes it easier to assist your body in the healing process.
I refer to this book at regular intervals, rereading much of it to keep me on track.
This book is cheap compared to the invaluable information and comfort it gives and I am so thankful for it.
- A Must Read! September 22, 2015
Where was this book 30 years ago? Anyone who has or knows someone else who's been suffering with undiagnosed illnesses should read this. The recovery may be long, but without it there's not much sunshine ahead.
- Five Stars, September 14, 2015
This is a must have resource for anyone with adrenal deficiency.
- INFORMATIVE, August 19, 2015
ARRIVED on time. Informative book.
- Five Stars, June 15, 2015
Really helpful information. Using the book daily as a reference book and learning to deal with adrenal fatigue.
- If you have AFS or care for someone who has, buy this book. April 10, 2015
Very detailed, and many more videos online to back the book up.
- Very Happy, March 22, 2015
Very Happy
- FANTASTIC~!, February 25, 2015
FAN-TASTIC and informative - there is real grit to this book - it takes a while tor read but really gives directive to us adrenally challenged sort.
- I was amazed that Dr Lam used his own observation to find ... August 12, 2014
I am looking for true data and I find it. It is a real educative tools and it can be applied. I do not need more to be cause over that situation. I was amazed that Dr Lam used his own observation to find out all these data. The book do not only gives me data but certainty.
- Extraordinary book!!! July 25, 2014
Very complete book. It covers all the areas necessary to understand the complexity of adrenal fatigue. Extraordinaty book!!!!
- Five Stars, July 24, 2014
A good guide, clear and simple/
- Very Informative, June 19, 2014
This book explains exactly what adrenal fatigue is all about. Very informative and helpful. Thank you for a great read.
- Important information for Adrenal Sufferers--This Book is For Real, April 22, 2014
I have suffered from Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome for almost 40 years. I've spent a good portion of that time seeing many, many doctors--both the typical "western" variety, and many holistic practitioners: Endocrinologists to chiropractors and everything in between. I spent that 40 years educating myself on nutrition, supplementation and adrenal problems and learning when and how to spot those who don't really know what's going on.
I am skeptical of doctors in general, and I was almost at the end of my rope when I found Dr. Lam. I have been his patient for several years now. I can say unequivocally that where every single other attempt at addressing my adrenal problems by dozens of very respectable doctors failed, Dr. Lam's protocol and guidance have taken me from nearly complete incapacity to being able to function as a semi-normal human being.
I did not read his book until a couple of years into my work with him, but I have now and the book contains the most accurate and up-to-date explanations and steps to recovery than any other publication on this topic.
I self-treated for a LONG time and, as a result left myself in a state where it is taking me many years to recover. The book is not (I believe) intended as a do-it-yourself manual for adrenal recovery. There are too many moving parts and individual issues for any book to do that. But the book gives you important information and a road map for how to address these problems.
Unfortunately, there are very few legitimate "adrenal fatigue specialists" out there, but Dr. Lam can without any equivocation call himself one. This book is, quite simply, required reading for anyone with an adrenal fatigue problem.
- He covers it well, April 21, 2014
Very detailed information on reclaiming your health after years of stress. My husband was a narcissist, an abuser and an alcoholic and I stayed married to him for 49 years. He dumped his stress on me. I feel like thanks to the information in Dr. Lams book I am going to be able to enjoy my "golden" years
- This is the best book on the subject that I have come across. January 14, 2014
This book explains a lot of what I have been going through and solves some of the unanswered questions I had. It gives hope and direction for adrenal fatigue sufferer. I highly recommend it.
- Adrenal Fatigue, December 17, 2013
I purchased this book as a "Christmas GIFT"
for a family member.
I have no input at this time.
Thank you
- Really Helpful Book, September 15, 2013
I had to buy this book from Amazon in America, as it was not available in the UK. But it was worth it. Adrenal Fatigue is barely recognised in the UK, and yet it affects a lot of people, who struggle to get treatment. This book puts the control back in your own hands and gives good advice to help you recover.
- excellent book, August 28, 2013
Great overview on the AFS and helped me come up with a plan to heal naturally. Gave me info, that a doctor could not assist with. I can function now, thanks to this resource!
- Wonderful, May 26, 2013
Very informative and a great deal of information which I wasn't expecting al all and was pleasantly surprised and pleased.
- Excellent, May 24, 2013
Well written; excellent and relatively easy to read. I highly recommend this book for anyone seeking more information about adrenal fatigue. Particularly relevant for healthcare practitioners.
- Incredibly Helpful For Those Suffering With Adrenal Issuses, May 21, 2013
I was so weak and physically ill from my adrenal issues I was bedfast most of the time. After reading this book and working with a knowledgeable pharmacist in my area I'm regaining my life. It's been a few weeks since I read the book and began to implement suggestions disgusted in the book. I am slowly but steadily regaining the physical and emotion strength that was taken from me by my weak adrenals. It's sad that most practitioners are not educated in adrenal fatigue and that one must self navigate.
- Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome, October 5, 2012
Adrenal fatigue can wreak havoc with your life. In the more serious cases, the activity of the adrenal glands is so diminished that you may have difficulty getting out of bed for more than a few hours per day. With each increment of reduction in adrenal function, every organ and system in your body is more profoundly affected. This book helped me address these many health issues and clarified many points in an easy to understand style.
- Very in-depth and informative. September 20, 2012
I must say that I was extremely impressed with this book and I now consider it the bible on adrenal fatigue syndrome. I have read a great deal of books on the subject of adrenal fatigue syndrome but none come close to the information and knowledge that this book has given me. Dr. Michael Lam shows that he knows what he is talking about when it comes to this syndrome and this book goes into great depth of which I have not read before. I really liked the way that he wrote this book as it is written in a great, friendly tone that adds to the information that is given. I would recommend this as the best book of its subject.
- Amazing book on adrenal issues, September 8, 2012
I have bought several books on adrenal issues and I think this is the best to date. It is extremely comprehensive and I've learned quite a few things I've already applied with good results. Even the things that most with adrenal problems already know are written in such a way that it serves to validate and encourage one on this difficult path to recovery.
- Definative Guide for Adrenal Fatigue/Exhaustion, August 18, 2012
After years of trying to correct my adrenal exhaustion problems on my own, I have finally found the advice of Dr. Michael Lam. His book has helped me understand that I was tiring my adrenal glands even further by my use of adaptogenic herbs and glandulars. He supports their use in early stages of fatigue, but when you progress to a more depleated level of function, they can have an antagonistic effect. His use of various molecular forms of vitamin C, delivered at specfic times during the day has helped me progress more in two months than any other protocol I have tried in the past ten years. Dr. Lam is very adament about recognising not just the nutritional and lifestyle mistakes that lead to fatigue/exhaustion, but the mind/body/spirit conection to the problem, as well. This book will help you understand that finding healing is not about taking a few supplements and getting a little more sleep. It will help you understand that adrenal fatigue arises from deeper issues of how we approach other people, our attitude about life in general, and our views of self. I feel confident that I now have the right tools to approach the next year and a half of healing with a very positive outlook. I do beleive you will have to pay for the one on one coaching that Dr. Lam's office provides. You simply can't replicate the detail of the nutritional protocols from the book alone. I can tell you that after years of continuing adrenal decline, hormone imbalance, and various health issues, that the office consultations are money well spent. I have wasted time and money with protocols that, I know know, could never work with someone like myself in a more advanced state of fatigue. Had I known these things 20 years ago..... who knows how life might have been different. I truly wish you all the best in your journey to adrenal/hormone recovery.
- Extremely informative even if you don't suffer from adrenal fatigue., August 16, 2012
This is a remarkably informative book. I read it as part of a commercial project, not because I have any health issues, and found it relatively easy to understand. Granted, there's quite a bit of medical terminology within, and some tongue twisters when it comes to the body's various systems and the hormones involved, but even if you don't really grasp quite what everything IS, you will come away with a firm knowledge of what it DOES.
I could characterize this book as dealing with holistic medicine, but Western medical solutions have not been discarded in Dr. Lam's proposed solutions to a syndrome that, by definition, cannot be identified through traditional medical testing. This will lead some to conclude that there really is no such thing as adrenal fatigue syndrome -- but obviously the people suffering from adrenal crashes and other health effects are suffering from SOMETHING. So what is that thing?
This book prevents a compelling case and outlines a series of assessments, solutions, and resources for learning more about the problem. It's quite lengthy (this is NOT a quick read) but also exhaustive in its coverage of the topic. I am in no way a medical professional and have only a layperson's understanding of the issues involved, but I would recommend the book to someone who expressed concerns such as those related by the adrenal fatigue syndrome sufferers in the text.
- excellent book, August 6, 2012
This is an excellent book, a ton of information, very detailed, probably more than most people want, but it is very helpful and should be part of your library for adrenal fatigue.
- The Rest of the Story, June 14, 2012
It's been over a decade since James Wilson's book, Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome, came out.Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome That book seem to form the current basis of knowledge for doctors who address adrenal issues (holistic, functional, and alternative practioners). Western-trained Endocrinologists don't address, or even accept the notion that adrenal glands can be stressed and underperforming. It has to be Addison's Disease (non-functioning glands) before they will see you. But Wilson only told part of the story - mild and moderate adrenal fatigue. Only Lam addresses severe fatigue and pre-Addison's adrenal exhaustion. If Dr. Lam were not so generous with his writings on his website, I would still be too sick to get out of bed and at my wit's end as well!
As a fibromyalgia patient of 6 years, i seemed to finally have my hypothyroid and pain under control, but my doctor couldn't say why my energy was steadily decreasing. Not recognizing adrenal fatigue sooner and then being diagnosed and "mistreated" with adrenal supplements and steroids which backfired, I landed into the worst stage of adrenal stress, just short of failure. Dr. Lam's writings online and in his book Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome - Reclaim Your Energy and Vitality with Clinically Proven Natural Programs (With Online Recovery Module and Other Bonuses) (Dr. Lam's Adrenal Recovery Series) sounded like he was describing my personal case history when all other writings said supplements or gland extracts would be cure me. No one else even mentioned the possibility for the paradoxical reactions I had, while he wrote that they would be expected in my circumstances! He shared so much information at his website, I wasn't sure how much more his book could contain. But it does contain much more and it has been my constant companion since it arrived a month ago. I have dog-eared pages, underlined and highlighted passages in every chapter. The material is coherent and so thorough. I have put his suggestions to use and am now making progress. This book is the rest of the story about AFS, expanding Wilson's work, going broader, further and in an enormously helpful,digestable manner. Dr. Lam's book is a must read for every alternative practioner, internist, endocrinologist, and every patient suffering from extreme exhaustion!
- Brilliant and life changing, June 12, 2012
I am fortunate to be receiving support and nutritional coaching from Dr Michael and Dorine Lam, and I can say with all honesty that they have brought me back from the brink. I reached an advanced stage of adrenal fatigue, and, after as many others have, suffering bewilderment about what could be wrong with me, was greatly relieved to find that indeed there is someone who understands, and what is more, can help me recover.
This book is a comprehensive explanation of the entire phenomenon of AFS, which, as Dr Lam says, could perhaps more accurately be referred to as stress-induced neuroendocrine syndrome. I especially love the respect shown to the reader's intelligence - the author's note says "....patients....are surely smart enough to take in the scientific information that explains what is going on in their bodies." And there is indeed a lot going on! Light is shone on the confusing array of AFS symptoms through the Lam's description of the chemical and physiological processes involved.
The book also provides detailed information on recovery from AFS, both what action to take and what to expect in the process. It is not a 'quick fix', but takes time and real life changes. And this is the final brilliance of the book -getting down to the need to genuinely simplify life and slow down. This book will help inspire you to do so.
- Full-bodied work for pervasive, widely unacknowledged syndrome, June 12, 2012
Having been a patient of Dr. Lam's for several months, and significantly helped by his program, I was eager to purchase his book. It is a fantastic deep-dive educating patient and care-taker on how to best handle this syndrome. The final chapter, in particular, is profound albeit hard to hear for a Type A personality - the classic AFS sufferer. I anticipate more attention will be paid to this syndrome as more and more people suffer from it - and this book will be the seminal writing on how AFS will be managed in the future.
- Very helpful, June 8, 2012
This book, unlike many and most others of its kind, wonderfully accomplishes a technical and scientific discussion of the complex biochemical pathways involved in AFS as well as bringing to light all of the practical applications and effective protocols, so that anyone with a desire to learn can access it. I, myself, have struggled with AFS and extreme liver dysfunction for over a decade. I tried everything and worked with countless medical professionals over the years. I am a very well-educated person, with extensive experience in the health-related scientific fields and nutrition. Still, I failed to fully grasp the complexity of my own health problems. I have sought advisement from Dr. Lam and Dorrine Lam which has allowed me a greater recovery than I have ever experienced. Dr. Lam's understanding of the physiological nuances involved in AFS, comprehension of the difficulty in maintaining successful recovery, and the importance of nutrition is unparalleled. He is truly a pioneer in this field.
My only regret for the book is the title, for I feel that many people may write off the book due to the way it may be unfairly lumped in with the sea of not-well-validated and far inferior "adrenal fatigue" books and commentary already out there. I feel that what Dr. Lam is articulating in this comprehensive book is, in fact, very different from those other books. His technical understanding is unmatched. His cohesive narrative is clear and concise. And he delivers the best description and defense of a valid and severe medical crisis that very few doctors or medical professionals understand. Until encountering Dr. Lam, I hadn't met anyone (medical professional or otherwise) who comprehended the confusing and paradoxical nature of my symptoms or could understand some of the nuances that I knew in my body were real and significant. I didn't know how to get out of the dense forest of crash cycles, despite my best efforts. Without a doubt, if not for Dr. Lam and Dorrine Lam's invaluable consultation (both via phone and with the help of the book and articles they've written), I wouldn't be here today.
- Wealth of Information---Finally!!!, June 2, 2012
I have been suffering from Adrenal Fatigue syndrome for many years, this book by far has the most up to date information. And clinical information. I think every Doctor and Practitioner should be required to read this book. The medical community has no clue on how to approach this and there are so many people suffering and think they are crazy. This book is awesome, thank you so much Dr. Lam for writing this book. Now, I completely understand what is going on and will be able to hopefully recover with the help of your services on your website. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
- A much-needed book for practitioners and others interested in this pervasive condition, May 27, 2012
Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome is the one book I wish had been available when I first started my naturopathic family practice over 25 years ago. Michael Lam has done all of us - holistic practitioners and lay people alike - a huge favor by writing this book.
In a clear, step-by-step fashion, this book lays out the complex neuroendocrine responses to stress. It starts with the early stages of the stress response, when the adrenal glands and the autonomic nervous system still have the capacity to handle stress. It then shows the reader how and why the warning signs of the middle stages of adrenal fatigue syndrome (AFS) begin to crop up, such as chronic hypertension, fatigue, hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia. Finally, the more advanced stages of AFS are covered in detail, including unrelenting fatigue, low blood pressure, anxiety and a bewildering array of other incapacitating symptoms. Ample graphs and diagrams help the reader easily grasp key concepts along the way. Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome will be easily understood by readers with a strong medical background. However, it is written as well for the lay person, who will find the repetition of primary concepts quite useful.
One of the most valuable contributions Dr. Lam has made with this book is his elucidation of how to effectively approach and manage the gradual healing process for people who are in the fragile, later stages of AFS. These are the people who are significantly incapacitated by adrenal fatigue in one or more ways. Anyone who has been in primary care practice for more than a few years is very familiar with people who have struggled for years or decades with intractable insomnia and/or anxiety and/or fatigue after all the standard lab tests fail to pin-point the root cause of their suffering. As Dr. Lam points out in his book, these people typically go from doctor to doctor, desperately seeking the help they never find, limping along with prescription sleep medications, and anxiolytic drugs. There are a great many people in our society suffering from the late stages of AFS. For the sake of these people, I highly recommend that you read this book, especially if you are a medical practitioner and as yet do not have a solid grasp of a) how and why AFS can present in many different ways, depending on the stage of AFS and on each individual's constitution, b) how and why the management and treatment of the various stages of AFS can vary tremendously, c) the importance of ascertaining whether hypothyroidism is secondary to hypoadrenia, and d) the core aspects of treatment for each stage of AFS.
AFS is a product of our out-of-balance, fast-paced, high-pressure culture. Indeed, it is so widely pervasive that it has, paradoxically, become difficult for even skilled practitioners to recognize, let alone treat effectively. And to make matters worse, orthodox western medicine still does not even recognize adrenal fatigue syndrome as a legitimate medical condition (ah, well, nothing new here!). Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome will go far in helping our society recover from - and shift out of -- a way of life that is unsustainable over the long haul.
There are a number of short-comings in Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome, but they are insignificant in comparison to the overall value of the book. If you go to Dr. Lam's website, I encourage you to not let the unprofessional design of the site deter you from reading this book, or from exploring the educational materials on his website.
- Definitely worth the read!!!, May 17, 2012
There is so much information in this book it is incredible. This is by far the most comprehensive book on adrenal fatigue, ranging from the basics of what Adrenal Fatigue is, to the fine details of how our bodies work and why we get adrenal fatigue, to recovering from adrenal fatigue and full lifestyle plans. Dr Lam lays it all out honestly. I am usually skeptical of these kinds of books, but after reading this book, I feel like Dr Lam knows me so well. It has opened my eyes to the stress I have had in my life and how it has affected me. I would highly recommend this book.
- Dr. Lam has written the bible on Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome, April 30, 2012
Most physicians give up on adrenal fatigue patients because they fail after trying to prop up the adrenal glands without any understanding of the other conditions affecting the problem. Dr. Lam maps out the adrenal fatigue syndrome problem, step by step. Then he provides a solution in the form of a how-to manual on how to recover. Since a syndrome is by definition several concurrent problems, Dr. Lam suggests treating all three legs of the "three legged stool."
So many of us have used coffee and sugar as stimulants to get going. Dr. Lam explains what to do instead, what to eat, when to eat it. When to exercise and when not to exercise. ADRENAL FATIGUE SYNDROME lays out the logic of the body's "ecosystem" in a story. The body was designed to fix itself but needs the right tools. Dr. Lam provides some diverse tools in his "Recovery Tool Box."
Read this book if you want to understand your fatigue, muscle weakness, brain fog, lack of enthusiasm or libido. Read this book if you want to mine Dr. Lam's vast experience and pearls. You can find more encouraging stories on how to take your life back on Dr. Lam's website.
- Amazing!, April 25, 2012
Finally! A book that provides information about this often overlooked syndrome. It's written in easy to understand language. Recommendations with pros and cons. If you believe you may have this syndrome or a doctor with patients complaining of these symptoms, it's a must read!
By Jeannette Seibly "Author of "It's Time to Brag" (Colorado)
- Natural, gentle approach for adrenal fatigue sufferers!!, April 17, 2012
I knew that I was suffering from some sort of fatigue, but was at a loss on how to address this debilitating syndrome without the use of pharmaceutical drugs or other harmful methods for my already stressed out body. Dr Lam in great detail explains all the syndromes that I have been experiencing, but he also gives hope in explaining how our bodies can recover - which is after all why I am reading this book! The natural approach using diet, exercise and natural supplements really appeals to me. But do not be fooled - it isn't your run of the mill kind of approach. Dr Lam is systematic and is constantly teaching us to be more attuned to our bodies, something that you don't hear often.
The book is written in a very user friendly format, and in easy to understand language. For those who think they may be suffering from adrenal fatigue but are not sure, this book will help clarify things for you, as it did for me! What a relief it was to read that I had legitimate reasons for waking up extremely tired, needed to nap almost everyday and was wide awake after midnight - that it wasn't because I was lazy. For years I lived with the guilt that I just wasn't as hardworking as my peers and that I just needed to 'buckle up'.
Now with this guide book in hand, I can better understand what my body is trying to tell me and how to help it heal. I am so excited that this book is available for the general public at such a reasonable price, and really hope that it will bring much hope to the many men and women out there suffering silently for so long.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
- Donna, April 14, 2012
Very good information on a subject that no one understands. I just love it thank you so much! Great infomration
- Just What I Needed!, April 13, 2012
There is life saving information in this book, but it is written in a practical manner, easy to read, and put together so that it is a page-turner. Being a bit older, tired, and stressed out, I was excited that this book was just what I needed to get me on the right track! Thanks, Dr. Lam...I felt like you wrote it just for me!
Dr. Lam gives an in-depth look at adrenal fatigue. The book gives hope to adrenal fatigue sufferers and explains the science of why they are suffering and how to relieve the symptoms. The book is a must read for any one who has had or thinks they have adrenal fatigue.
- very good and helpful read, April 11, 2012
Thought the book was a good read and helpful for me. I would recomend that others read this. Well worth the money.
- Just what I've been looking for!!!, April 10, 2012
Finally!!! An in-depth book on Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome written in layman's terms. Dr. Lam's has written an extremely comprehensive book on this subject. His knowledge is vast and easy to comprehend. If your looking for a book to put you to sleep at night, this is not it. I found each chapter compelling. After just the first 50 pages I was calling my doctor to have him order some of the suggested tests. I am excited to have found a book that has provided me with more answers instead of more questions. I would highly recommend this book to anyone suffering from loss of energy.
- Reclaim Your Energy and Vitality!, April 10, 2012
WOW! I've looked at several books that claim to be comprehensive on adrenal fatigue--finally,I've found one. What sets Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome apart from others with similar titles is that they don't have the credentials of Dr. Michael Lam. A western trained MD, he merges the scientific side with nutritionally based practices and strategies. I've gone through his website on multiple occasions ( treasure trove of information. Anyone who is exhausted, tired all the time, feeling depressed, unable to lose weight--or for women especially--their menses are out of whack--get this book. It just may save your life. There's a reason why Dr. Lam is recognized globally. At last, his words are in print in a well-balanced and informational loaded book. Highly recommended.
What They Say about the Book
I purchased your book and Yoga tapes in February and it helped me turn the corner. My homeopathic doctor had me on the right track, but adding more nutritional supplements gave me more energy. Thank you for writing this book, it is awesome!!!!
Your book is awesome - so much valuable information - worth every penny. I have sent several people to your website already and told them to get your book since I don't have all the answers. I have helped a lot of people over the years with AF but obviously have more to learn.
Greetings, Dr. Lam
I am a naturopathic doctor. I am about 1/3 of the way through your new book and wish I had had this information 25 years ago when I began my practice! Thank you for writing such a clear book on such a complicated topic. Hopefully it will fall into the hands of many doctors who desperately need this information.
When we found Dr. Lam, I was what he called the living dead. I literally was on death’s doorstep. Not one person associated with Western Medicine could find anything wrong with me, and my health was declining rapidly. I have been to over thirty doctors and not one of them has helped me in the slightest. Dr. Lam saved my life and set me on the road to recovery. Thank you for saving my life!
I just wanted to thank you for bringing life back to me. I was so sick and now I am feeling as good as I did 20 years ago! It has been a long battle: no energy, aches and pains going from one doctor to the next. They told me it was anything from arthritis to depression; they had me on steroids for three years… All behind me now!
I just don’t know how to thank you. I think it would be wonderful if you could just be everywhere with your caring heart, your information and the real reason behind all of the bad, sick days that so many of us have had.
Dr. Lam has given Bret his life back and me my husband back. I am forever grateful to him because without his knowledge of adrenal fatigue we may still be fighting a “non-existent” disease by the medical establishment. I am happy to report that he is not on any medication and is not depressed! It means the world when your Doctor knows what you are currently experiencing. Without Dr. Lam, I don’t where I would be.
Thank you kindly for this speedy and clear response. I can’t thank you enough and wish there were more doctors like you. It’s people you who prove that we still remain the noblest of professions. Thank you again for your comprehensive explanation and a game plan — deeply appreciated.
May I thank you for such speedy and efficient service in responding to my inquiries. I live in the UK and, to be honest, never thought you would offer to help from such a distance. I am very much looking forward to talking to your dietician, Dorine. You offer a wonderful service and I feel hope for the first time that a recovery is possible. Thank you, I wish more doctors in the UK would read your website and have open minds!!
Thank you greatly for your book, Estrogen Dominance—it helped me diagnose my condition having gone from one doctor to another for 6 months to no effect. This book is amazing and has been an eye opener. You are a true doctor and educator!
I am a Gynecologist who now lectures and teaches Holistic Medicine and Natural Remedies to other health care providers throughout the United States. I can’t thank you enough for putting your knowledge out there for the good of mankind.
I’m a licensed Naturopath practicing in Nova Scotia, Canada. I want to commend you on the wonderful information on your site. I refer many clients to it for references regarding Adrenal disorders, reproductive hormone imbalances and much more. One client contacted you with her adrenal questions and was excited to hear back from you. I want to thank you for taking the time to listen to her questions and for responding…
Your website is a huge help and I refer people to it all the time. I am a drug and alcohol counselor and always encourage people to do things with their diet and exercise. I have given many your web address and talked about your programs in groups and individual sessions.

MeetDr. Michael Lam, MD
Michael Lam, M.D., M.P.H., A.B.A.A.M., is a western trained physician specializing in nutritional and anti-aging medicine. Dr. Lam received his Bachelor of Science degree from Oregon State University, and his Doctor of Medicine degree from the Loma Linda University School of Medicine in California. He also holds a Master’s degree in Public Health. He is board certified by the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine where he has also served as a board examiner. Dr. Lam is a pioneer in using nontoxic, natural compounds to promote the healing of many age-related degenerative conditions. He utilizes optimum blends of nutritional supplementation that manipulate food, vitamins, natural hormones, herbs, enzymes, and minerals into specific protocols to rejuvenate cellular function.
Dr. Lam was first to coin the term, ovarian-adrenal-thyroid (OAT) hormone axis, and to describe its imbalances. He was first to scientifically tie in Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome (AFS) as part of the overall neuroendocrine stress response continuum of the body. He systematized the clinical significance and coined the various phases of Adrenal Exhaustion. He is an international best-selling author and has written seven books: Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome - Reclaim Your Energy and Vitality with Clinically Proven Natural Programs, Advanced Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome, Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome Cookbook, Estrogen Dominance, Beating Cancer with Natural Medicine (Free PDF version), The Five Proven Secrets to Longevity, and How to Stay Young and Live Longer. In 2001, Dr. Lam established as a free, educational website on evidence-based alternative medicine for the public and for health professionals. It featured the world’s most comprehensive library on AFS. Provided free as a public service, he has answered countless questions through the website on alternative health and AFS. He serves as senior health and nutritional coach at, where his personal, telephone-based coaching services have enabled many around the world to regain control of their health using natural therapies.

MeetDorine Lam, MS, MPH, RDN
Dorine Lam, R.D.N., M.S., M.P.H., is a registered dietitian and holistic nutritional coach specializing in Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome and natural hormonal balancing. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Dietetics, holds a Master’s Degree in Public Health in Nutrition, and a Master of Science degree in Nutrition from Loma Linda University, in Loma Linda, California. She is also a board-certified, Anti-Aging Health Practitioner by the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. She is the author of the international best-selling book Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome Cookbook and coauthored with Michael Lam, M.D., the books Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome - Reclaim Your Energy and Vitality with Clinically Proven Natural Programs and Estrogen Dominance. Her personal research and writing focuses on the metabolic aspect of Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome. She is married to Michael Lam and is an integral part of the telephone-based nutritional coaching team helping people overcome Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome.